New Mexico Tech
Dept. Earth & Env. Science

Ronni Grapenthin - CrusDe Project

CrusDe status

CrusDe emerged from my personal interest in developing ONE framework into which various Green's Functions can be integrated. As I expand my knowledge about this subject, I expand the code which translates into CrusDe currently beeing under rapid development. Up to version 1.0 I expect this to affect the syntax of model definitions since they reflect CrusDe's inner structure. Also, some geometries may not allow for temporal transitions. This is usually true for the most complicated geometry currently supported with elastic and final relaxed responses. However, nobody should be discouraged from using CrusDe -- changes are documented in the ChangeLog. If there are any uncertainties about the most recent status and abilities of CrusDe, do not hestiate to send me an email.

I try to give users as much freedom as possible in combining plug-ins and making up their models. This, however, may lead to physical non-sense which is the modelers and not my fault. Please revise your configurations carefully. | Last modified: March 12 2019 15:18.