IAVCEI Volcano Geodesy Commission Workshop
Spring 2021, Yellowstone National Park

Geodesy is a critical component in understanding the dynamics of volcanic eruptions. This workshop will encourage collaboration and communication among geodesists in a diverse group of academic researchers, government scientists, technicians and students. Presentations at the proposed meeting will provide a forum to discuss modern advances in Volcano Geodesy, introduce methods and algorithms to students and early career researchers, and discuss ways to share and apply geodetic results to the broader volcano community, and how the geodesy community can contribute to the Community Network for Volcanic Eruption Response (CONVERSE) experiments. Modern advances to be discussed and taught include developments in big data and cloud-based InSAR processing, advances in high-rate and real-time GNSS, and large finite element models, while other aspects of community infrastructure such as software repositories and community collaboration will also be discussed.

Location: Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, USA
Dates:postponed to Spring 2021
Organizers: IAVCEI Volcano Geodesy Commission steering committee
Agenda:TBA, but will involve a number of topics and forums, including tutorials on new procedures and analysis tools, discussions of different modeling approaches, presentation of new results, breakout discussions, and other activities
Lodging:There will be an option to stay at the conference site in the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel . A block of rooms has been reserved; details will be available soon.
Transportation:Participants are expected to arrange their own travel to Bozeman, Montana, which has a regional airport. A bus will be available to transport participants to the conference site on the morning of October 5 and back to Bozeman on the afternoon of October 9.
Funding:Travel grants for early career participants may be available if funding is secured.
Field trip:An optional all-day field trip through Yellowstone National Park will take place during the meeting.
Questions?For answers contact Emily Montgomery-Brown (emontgomery-brown@usgs.gov) or Mike Poland (mpoland@usgs.gov).

| Last modified: June 15 2020 21:09. | EOF