New Mexico Tech
Earth and Environmental Science

ERTH 471 / GEOP 572 - Geodetic Methods

4. Modeling

Here we will go into the basics of how to extract parameters from our data that will eventually tell us something about the natural system that we observe. We will introduce a few mathematical models that describe various phenomena as well as some theory on stress and strain and dislocations.


Lecture 18: Parameter Estimation, Code for Lecture 18:
Lecture 20: Strain 1
Lecture 21: Strain 2 / 2D Example
Lecture 22: Strain Examples
Lecture 23: Plate Kinematics
Lecture 24: Fault Slip
Lecture 25: Inversion for Slip on a Fault
Lecture 26: Regularization
Lecture 27: Volcano Deformation
Lecture 28: Volcano Deformation 2
Lecture 29: Surface Loading


LAB 10: Making Timeseries / Velocities
LAB 11: Fitting Timeseries
LAB 13: Volcano Deformation
LAB 14: Surface Loading w/ CrusDe


Homework 03: Velocity Inversion, dataset
Homework 04: OPTIONAL

rg <at> nmt <dot> edu | Last modified: December 02 2015 18:32.