New Mexico Tech
Earth and Environmental Science

ERTH 471 / GEOP 572 - Geodetic Methods

Lab 14: Surface Load Deformation

"I like my crust deformed."
UNAVCO bumper sticker

Note that you DO have to work on redoubt today!


Today you'll put stuff on the crust and simulate the displacement field. To do this, you will use a program I wrote a while ago and will hopefully finish one of these days. CrusDe implements a generic convolution that enables a scientific version of plug-n-play for Green's functions (i.e. Earth Models), load models, time history functions and so forth.

After playing a bit the tool, you will familiarize yourself a bit with elastic and viscous parameters of the Earth and how they impact the displacement field.

Getting Started

Log into redoubt, go into your working directory, and make a subdirectory for today's lab:

	$> cd $GEOP572
	$> mkdir lab14
	$> cd lab14

Now get some of the testcases that I provide with CrusDe:

	$> cp -r $CRUSDE_HOME/testcases ./
	$> cd testcases
	$> ls 
	alma  disk  hekla  icelandic_rhythmics  multi_load

These directories contain some sample data and model configuration files that can be used with CrusDe. You will use some of these later.

Let's get a little bit of background on how to run CrusDe first; simply running crusde on the command line will give you a very limited help:

	$> crusde
	[ CrusDe ] : Welcome! 

	    crusde  |  >

	This program runs an experiment that is parameterized by an XML file, 
	or starts a gui for either the experiment manager or the plug-in manager.

	      -P|p                       run Plug-in manager.
	      -P|p install <>  Install '' from command line.
	      -M|m                       run Experiment manager.

	      -h|?                       show this help.
	      -Q|q                       quiet run, minimal output.
	      -v|V                       show version information.

The main point to take away from this is that you run crusde with an XML input file. Change into the diskdirectory and look at the disk_elastic file:

	$> cd disk
	$> less disk_elastic.xml 

You will find that the file is made up of several sections: some header commentary, and an experiment that consists of a few subsections. If might be worthwhile to follow along on this schematic, too:

Well, let's run this:

	$> crusde disk_elastic.xml
	[ CrusDe ] : Welcome! 
	[ CrusDe ] : found region of interest coordinates to be in METERS: north=20000.000000, south=-20000.000000, east=20000.000000, west=-20000.000000
	[ CrusDe ] :   Plugin::registerParameter() for: /usr/local/CrusDe/plugins/green/
	[ CrusDe ] :   Plugin::registerParameter() for: disk load
		My id: 0
	[ CrusDe ] :   Plugin::registerParameter() for: modeling kernel
	[ CrusDe ] :   Plugin::registerParameter() for: output
	[ CrusDe ] :   Plugin::registerParameter() for: xy2r
	[ CrusDe ] : elastic halfspace (pinel) registers output fields...
	[ CrusDe ] : 	 x: 0
	[ CrusDe ] : 	 y: 1
	[ CrusDe ] : 	 z: 2
	[ CrusDe ] : (xy2r) registers output field...
	[ CrusDe ] : (xy2r)	... got 3
	[ CrusDe ] : Iterating through requested_plugin_list .... 
	[ CrusDe ] : Number of requested plug-ins: 0
	[ CrusDe ] : (fast 2d convolution) planning FFT ...
	[ CrusDe ] : Initialization complete.
	[ CrusDe ] : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	[ CrusDe ] : Let me start your experiment.
	[ CrusDe ] : Working on job: elastic halfspace (pinel) (no job name defined)
	[ CrusDe ] : Model step: 0 (Model time: 0)
	[ CrusDe ] : convolution operator starts ... 
	[ CrusDe ] : (fast 2d convolution) Convolution of Green's function and load ...
	[ CrusDe ] : postprocessors start ... 
	[ CrusDe ] : (xy2r) wrote xy2r conversion to position: 3
	[ CrusDe ] : result handler starts ... 
	[ CrusDe ] : writing to file: ./ ... data_varid: 4, nc_id: 65536, NDIR: 4 (4), NLAT: 41, NLON: 41
	[ CrusDe ] : -------------------------
	[ CrusDe ] : Starting the experiment manager ... 
	[ CrusDe ] : run time= 0.000000 s
	[ CrusDe ] : Terminating normally! Bye.

There's a bunch of stuff that happens, but fundamentally you are interested in seeing the Terminating normally! Bye. statement at the end. Your directory should now contain a file, which is the file that we defined above in the experiment definition. Let's look at the results:

	$> ncview 

Note that there is now a direction value, click on the box under Current to skip through the displacement fields for x, y, z, r directions. This should reproduce the images shown here; note that the horizontal displacement field will look different as ncview scales to the maximum value of all results.

An example for a time series simulation might be running (will take between 30s - 60s):

	$> crusde disk_fourier_timeseries.xml 

You will see that the experiment definition file has 2 additional sections, and we're using the fast 3d convulution kernel.:

1) There are now parameters to specify the number of time steps and the size of the steps:

	  <parameter name="timestep_size"  value="1"/>          <!-- each step is a day -->
	  <parameter name="timesteps"      value="365"/>        <!-- 365 steps == 1 year -->

2) In the load function, we now have a load_history:

	<!-- load history: use low order terms of fourier series -->
	     <plugin    name="fourier_series" />
	     <parameter name="period_length"  value="365"/>     <!-- 365 days -->
	     <parameter name="bias"           value="0" />      <!-- vertical offset -->
	     <parameter name="trend"          value="0" />      <!-- linear trend -->
	     <parameter name="annual_sin"     value="0.3" />    <!-- see name -->
	     <parameter name="annual_cos"     value="0.3" />    <!-- see name -->
	     <parameter name="semiannual_sin" value="0.3" />    <!-- see name -->
	     <parameter name="semiannual_cos" value="0.3" />    <!-- see name -->
which allows us to start simulating seasonality in a more sophisticated way than by just assuming a sine.

	$> ncview

Set the current direction to "2" and click the double forward arrow to run the simulation (>>). This should look rather hypnotic. Good! Stop whenever you're ready; feel free to look at other directions, though.

Your Simulations

First go into the icelandic_rhythmics folder and run the existing testcase:

	$> cd $GEOP572/lab14/testcases/icelandic_rhythmics
	$> crusde elastic.xml
	$> ncview

First questions:

Now, what happens when you change the Young's modulus to 10 GPa, what at 80 GPa? Rerun the simulations with these new values, and give minimum and maximum displacements / screen shots of profiles. Do the results confirm the definition of Young's modulus (look it up if you don't know what it is.) How would a Young's modulus for a Craton compare to that of young Midocean Ridge crust, say in Iceland? While we're at it; what's a good definition for the Poisson's ratio?

For your interest, the load file defines 4 loads that are all uniform in height, everything else is zero (units are meter of water equivalent snow load. Yes, Vatnajökull gets about 2.5 m weq snow each winter.)

	$> awk '{print $3}' load/load_all_glaciers.dat | sort -u

Now set the gridsize in the final_relaxed.xml case to 10000m and run it. This brings some viscoelastic relaxation into the game (this takes longer as the Green's functions are more complex; approx. 2 -5 mins)

	$> crusde final_relaxed.xml
	$> ncview

The major new parameters for the Green's function are:

  • It's hard to compare the spatial response to the elastic case, as the resolution is 10-times worse. But how does the maxium vertical displacement compare? Why should it be larger than the elastic response?

What happens:

Do you expect these parameters could trade off with respect to the properties of the final relaxed displacement field? Or would you expect unique solutions for each of these parameters, i.e. you can uniquely resolve elastic plate thickness vs viscosity? If so, why, if not, why not? (A few sentences with your substantiated opinion will be enough, feel free to run simulations for other values, if you wish.)

Icelandic Rhythmics

	$> cd $GEOP572/lab14/testcases/icelandic_rhythmics
	$> crusde elastic_timeseries.xml
	$> ncview		

Hit play - Happy Thanksgiving!

List of CrusDe plugins

The names below are the exact names you will have to use for your plugin names.


	    netcdf writer
	    table writer

	    elastic halfspace (pinel)
	    thick plate (pinel)
	    final relaxed (pinel)
	    inverse thick plate (pinel)
	    elastic minus thickplate (pinel)

	    disk load
	    irregular load

	    heaviside ramp

	    fast 2d convolution
	    fast 3d convolution


Deliverables: (submit via canvas!)

rg <at> nmt <dot> edu | Last modified: November 25 2015 21:46.