Note that you don't have to work on redoubt
We will start making our way to calculating a position from pseudorange data as recorded by the receiver. We'll start out looking at rinex and orbit files and then you'll get to write up the inversion we talked through in lecture today. This lab is to some degree inspired by a lab Eric Calais posted on his website when he was at Purdue.
First look at this ...
2.11 OBSERVATION DATA G (GPS) RINEX VERSION / TYPE teqc 2015Jun23 UNAVCO Archive Ops 20150720 00:13:21UTCPGM / RUN BY / DATE Solaris x86 5.10|AMD64|cc SC5.8 -xarch=amd64|=+|=+ COMMENT BIT 2 OF LLI FLAGS DATA COLLECTED UNDER A/S CONDITION COMMENT ABBZ MARKER NAME MARKER NUMBER Kyle, Philip NMT OBSERVER / AGENCY 5115K74978 TRIMBLE NETR9 4.85 REC # / TYPE / VERS 12561303 TRM41249.00 NONE ANT # / TYPE -1353856.8945 314830.6876 -6205742.1059 APPROX POSITION XYZ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N 1 1 WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 7 L1 L2 C1 P2 P1 S1 S2 # / TYPES OF OBSERV 15.0000 INTERVAL 17 LEAP SECONDS input file: abbz201507190000a.tgd COMMENT RINEX file created by UNAVCO GPS Archive. COMMENT For more information contact COMMENT Monument ID: 14840 COMMENT UNAVCO 4-char name: ABBZ COMMENT 4-char name from Log or data file: ABBZ COMMENT Monument location: -77.4569 166.9089 1734.2656 COMMENT Visit ID: 112562 COMMENT End of DB comments COMMENT SNR is mapped to RINEX snr flag value [0-9] COMMENT L1 & L2: min(max(int(snr_dBHz/6), 0), 9) COMMENT 2015 7 19 0 0 0.0000000 GPS TIME OF FIRST OBS END OF HEADER 15 7 19 0 0 0.0000000 0 10G27G22G14G28G24G04G11G15G18G19 125212588.537 6 97568267.12843 23827164.883 23827169.719 40.800 22.600 109422791.431 8 85264519.77646 20822467.477 20822467.918 51.200 40.200 127128337.81515 24191714.477 35.700 115450099.390 7 89961166.65045 21969433.359 21969435.793 47.600 30.500 120380962.929 7 93803351.19444 22907727.289 22907732.887 43.200 28.900 122440368.761 8 95408123.50345 23299637.109 23299640.129 48.000 30.200 126295265.169 7 98411944.66444 24033202.547 24033204.746 43.500 27.000 118875481.704 7 92630241.51045 22621249.406 22621251.781 47.000 32.400 109981293.845 8 85699702.35446 20928744.125 20928745.914 51.000 36.800 117698935.043 8 91713448.20746 22397361.672 22397362.699 49.400 36.200 15 7 19 0 0 15.0000000 0 10G27G22G14G28G24G04G11G15G18G19
This is a rinex file (receiver independent exchange format).
There's a lot going on here, but basically this separates into a header
section until END OF HEADER
and then we the observation
for 1 epoch 15 7 19 0 0 0.0000000
, which is
2015-July-19 at midnight. The line 10G27G22G14G28G24G04G11G15G18G19
gives you the satellites that were in view (G refers to GPS), so here we
have PRN 27, 22, 14... The first number (10, here) gives the number of
satellites in view at that epoch.
The next 20 lines are the observations for each satellite given in the
order as defined in the 10G27...
125212588.537 6 97568267.12843 23827164.883 23827169.719 40.800 22.600
... is one observation for PRN10
. These 2 lines are composed
of the individual observables. The order and character of the observables
is defined in the header line # / TYPES OF OBSERV
. If you go and
look you'll find that this line starts with a 7
, meaning we
have 7 observables, which is followed by 7 strings. Here L1, L2
for the
phase observations on L1, L2; C1
for the pseudorange inferred from
C/A on L1; and P1,P2
which are pseudoranges inferred from the P-code on L1, L2;
and lastly S1,S2
, which are indicate the signal strengths on L1, L2.
In this lab we will use the pseudorange on L1, so for each satellite you will always be looking at the 3rd column in the first line of its 2 line observation!
The rinex file you'll be using is from station Abbot Peak on Ross Island, Antarctica: abbz2000.15o
In class I talked a bit about satellite orbit files. The IGS provides precise, post-processed orbits about 2 weeks after the fact.
#cP2015 7 19 0 0 0.00000000 96 ORBIT IGb08 HLM IGS ## 1854 0.00000000 900.00000000 57222 0.0000000000000 + 31 G01G02G03G04G05G06G07G09G10G11G12G13G14G15G16G17G18 + G19G20G21G22G23G24G25G26G27G28G29G30G31G32 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ++ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ++ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %c G cc GPS ccc cccc cccc cccc cccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc %c cc cc ccc ccc cccc cccc cccc cccc ccccc ccccc ccccc ccccc %f 1.2500000 1.025000000 0.00000000000 0.000000000000000 %f 0.0000000 0.000000000 0.00000000000 0.000000000000000 %i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /* FINAL ORBIT COMBINATION FROM WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF: /* cod emr esa gfz grg jpl mit ngs sio /* REFERENCED TO IGS TIME (IGST) AND TO WEIGHTED MEAN POLE: /* PCV:IGS08_1854 OL/AL:FES2004 NONE Y ORB:CMB CLK:CMB * 2015 7 19 0 0 0.00000000 PG01 18829.174425 13507.523320 -13215.249692 -2.670727 8 8 9 109 PG02 3708.172047 -15380.790615 21695.248921 579.065558 9 3 8 88 PG03 13652.481176 20791.848200 9285.060119 8.499972 8 8 6 80 PG04 10011.699639 16084.389751 -19050.244266 -2.469151 7 9 6 87 PG05 -939.523866 -24616.626155 9624.904794 -216.443730 7 4 8 92 PG06 17807.401446 -8812.348945 17624.772591 19.301639 8 6 7 97 PG07 26053.972176 6163.904952 -3.860242 475.220308 8 7 10 105 PG09 17947.907290 578.189652 19572.892136 -7.756942 7 6 8 81 PG10 12231.245947 -10800.089940 20489.425535 -183.089361 6 7 7 70 PG11 14697.108223 12954.318873 -18522.373638 -592.243492 9 10 12 116 PG12 -11059.392698 -23259.388628 6832.355549 311.126639 10 8 9 108 PG13 9094.018662 -20832.138975 -13973.496637 -133.344970 9 8 7 100 PG14 -21395.252372 13872.727013 -6882.375231 47.983976 10 6 9 95 PG15 -3750.820337 -17956.885654 -19189.766833 -261.224294 9 9 7 131 PG16 -617.107855 24330.865403 10088.693768 -107.080805 8 8 8 121 PG17 20671.227040 -15283.721033 -5935.131157 -180.682624 7 9 9 115 PG18 -17051.363484 -4161.527113 -19503.448336 418.339886 8 9 7 107 PG19 -75.524186 18164.222089 -19415.548695 -516.232497 6 7 9 96 PG20 -13621.803708 -22088.770198 -5575.510729 339.555062 10 10 7 115 PG21 -26365.185049 -3888.470674 -1564.859572 -464.856887 12 8 8 130 PG22 -12933.794843 10205.759827 -20569.279215 372.435926 8 5 7 117 PG23 10235.841275 11819.396635 21604.947116 -121.830762 8 6 6 99 PG24 -16548.513468 -14236.584786 -15267.729561 -1.557331 9 9 9 110 PG25 -16057.516800 -13045.207716 16646.609876 -14.652893 8 10 7 78 PG26 -7070.428060 18357.038062 17834.006702 -10.811951 9 6 8 90 PG27 -9678.067077 22140.496825 -10913.108494 5.315444 6 6 6 129 PG28 13506.960104 -4894.537400 -21719.611795 454.532750 9 10 8 120 PG29 -16439.453511 -3356.044382 20594.646988 623.146711 9 9 10 101 PG30 24254.540458 -996.882647 -10878.584342 -11.110350 10 9 9 142 PG31 -16263.550371 9327.107306 19072.314740 309.359520 9 7 6 126 PG32 4490.858537 26368.590945 -2451.536040 -96.311874 9 6 9 101 * 2015 7 19 0 15 0.00000000
Again, this file has a lot of header information. It gives satellite positions in 15 minute intervals. Each line starting with a PG** defines the X,Y,Z position of a satellite rotated into ECEF (here ITRF2008b) in kilometers. In the fifth column, we have the satellite clock bias in microseconds and then the X,Y,Z standard deviations in mm/sec, and a clock std-dev in psec/sec. The full file for that day is igs18540.sp3
I want you to take the C/A pseudoranges and satellite positions for the epoch given above and compute the receiver position in ECEF reference frame. Once you've done that you will use the script from the last lab and convert this position into the WGS84 reference frame
Preparation (this requires some manual labor, which should be OK - we may improve on that next week):
2015 7 19 0 0 0.00000000
2015 7 19 0 0 0.00000000
, which is the
one listed above. These positions will be X,Y,Z in km and the clock bias in microseconds, i.e. straight from
the sp3 file above (or really, from the table)
, that takes the 3 vectors you assembled above as input and returns
the updated/adjusted position (as a column vector with values (Xa, Ya, Za, Ta), which are the adjusted
position in m, and clock bias in nanoseconds). The signature of the function should be:
function A = solve_pseudo_r(apriori_pos, sat_pos, pseudoranges)The algorithm is as follows:
Now write a script that calls this function and iterates 4-5 times over the results to find a stable position solution. Convert the final position to geodetic coordinates.
Your code should convert between these ECEF and WGS84 coordinates for a GPS station in McMurdo, Antarctica station (5 iterations):
ECEF | WGS84 | ||
X (m) | -1353875.822 | lat (deg) | -77.453051 |
Y (m) | 314824.972 | lon (deg) | 166.909306 |
Z (m) | -6205811.52 | height (m) | 1805.735 |
T (nsec) | -795.52 |
rg <at> nmt <dot> edu | Last modified: September 08 2015 16:13.