Note that you DO have to work on redoubt
Last week you went through the exercise of determining a position from pseudoranges; basically by hand. Today we will start using GIPSY/OASIS (GPS Inferred Positioning SYstem and Orbit Analysis SImulation Software) for precise positioning. GIPSY is a collection of many programs and scripts to analyze GPS data (and other data).
source: NASA/JPL
It is possible to string the programs together in a way that highly customizes your processing.
Obviously, that requires intimate familiarity with the tools so that you know exactly what
you're doing.
(GNSS data 2 Position) is a higher level interface to
GIPSY that allows you to process data for a single GPS/GLONASS receiver. It implements the
typical GIPSY workflow for kinematic and static positioning.
The command
$> -h | moregives you full help and examples for this interface to GIPSY.
$> -h_subGives a list of subtopics.
$> -h_examplesGives a list of examples for different processing strategies.
In this lab, we can only cover some basics, I highly recommend that you take some time and explore this tool!
database and data files
Gipsy comes with a database, called sta_info
that is composed of
several ASCII files; some we need to add information to be able to estimate positions for new stations. In my lab I keep
1 master copy of this database that contains the information for all the stations that
we process. Here, however, you will start out by creating your own copy.
$> cd $GEOP572
, where YOURNAME is your user name, if that's not true,
go to LAB01 and fix your setup! (I did not do that for you when grading Lab01!)sta_info
: $> cp -r $GOA_VAR/sta_info .
$> ls -lisa
should now list a directory sta_info
in your directorysta_id
, sta_pos
, sta_svec
These files are fixed format files! They have to match the format description EXACTLY!
Character by Character, don't use tabs, no shortcuts or everything goes down the drain.
I've warned you!
From the documentation:
sta_id This file is the interface between the station identifiers in the database and the outside world. In this file, a given station name is associated with a station identifier and a station number. A given station identifier and station number can be associated with more than one station name. This is allowed so that multiple names for the same station can be handled. The station number is currently not used, but may be implemented in the future when all stations receive official GPS numbers. The following are examples of a few records: PENT 801 The following aliases for PENT were inserted on 9-May-1992 by fhw PENT 801 PENTICTON PENT 801 Penticton PENT 801 Penticton 1977 PENT 801 PGCQ PENT 801 A station somewhere in Canada GOLD 1437 DSS10 GOLD 1437 SPC10 GOLD 1437 Goldstone Rogue Antenna SDAD 202 USC&GS HORIZNOTAL CONTROL MARK SOLEDAD PEAK 1932 RM1 JPLM 7272 JPLMESA where PENT, GOLD, and SDAD are all station identifiers, 801, 1437, and 202 are the station numbers and the character strings are station names. These station names are the known aliases for this particular station and are case sensitive. The record format is: (1x,a4,i6,1x,a60) sta_pos This file associates the station identifier with the station coordinates at some epoch and the station velocity. An example of a record is: JPLM 1992 07 01 00:00:00.00 1000001.00 -2493304.0630 -4655215.5490 3565497.3390 -3.20000000e-02 1.90000000e-02 6.00000000e-03 Mon Nov 9 15:07:31 PST 1992 itrf91 1992.5 (The record is stored on one line.) The fields are: The station identifier; the epoch of the station coordinates (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds); the duration of the station coordinates (days); the station coordinates at the epoch (meters); the station velocities (meters/year); and a comment. The comment field could contain the reference system of the coordinates. The record format is: (1x,a4,1x,i4,4(1x,i2)1x,f5.2,1x,f10.2,1x,3f15.4,1x,3e15.8,1x,a30) sta_svec This file associates the station identifier with the site vector and antenna type at some epoch. An example of a record is: JPLM JPLM 1992 06 00 00:00:00.00 31536000.00 ROGUE 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1630 l 1992 07 06 (The record is stored on one line.) The fields are: the "to" station identifier; the "from" station identifier, the epoch of the site vector (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds); the duration (seconds), that the site vector is valid from the epoch; the antenna type, corresponding to one of the antenna types in the pcenter file; the station site vector; the antenna height; the site vector coordinate system flag, where c indicates Cartesian coordinates (XYZ) and l indicates local east-north-up coordinates (ENU); the date that the site vector was issued; and a comment. The record format is: (1x,a4,1x,a4,1x,i4,4(1x,i2)1x,f5.2,1x,f12.2,1x,a9,1x,4f11.4,1x,a1,1x,i4,1x,i2,1x,i2) (In this particular example, the "to" and "from" station identifiers are the same. This indicates that the site vector and antenna height in this record are for the offset between the JPLM antenna and the JPLM monument.)
Now for the data.
$> wget
Your first task is to add ABBZ to the database.
directory, add a line to sta_id
, the number can be zero, the ID should be descriptive; maybe Abbott Peak, Ross Island, Antarctica
, the next columns are date/time. The rinex file is for 2015-07-19, which is a good start date to use$> grep APPROX abbz2000.15o
$> grep ANT abbz2000.15o
Note that some of that information is time dependent. With this setup, if you were to try to process data from before 2015-07-19, you'd be out of luck! GIPSY doesn't have any information about the site in the database and you'll have to update it. If you do that, you'll have to recalculate and update the valid times for some of the existing entries - that's important! But we don't have to deal with this right now.
By default
will fetch orbit files from JPL's ftp server. We'll run several runs
on the same data and don't need to download the same file over and over again. Execute the following
commands (in the directory you'll be using in this lab, I will refer to this as $WORKDIR
$> mkdir orbit $> cd orbit $> -d 2015-07-19 -s flinnR -hrOK, now we're ready to run the first run (there will be many this week and next week).
$> cd $WORKDIR $> mkdir run1 && cd run1 $> ( -i $WORKDIR/abbz2000.15o -n ABBZ -d 2015-07-19 -r 300 -type s -w_elmin 15 -e "-a 20 -PC -LC -F" -pb_min_slip 1.0e-3 -pb_min_elev 30 -amb_res 2 -dwght 1.0e-5 1.0e-3 -post_wind 5.0e-3 5.0e-5 -trop_z_rw -1.0 -tides -orb_clk "flinnR $WORKDIR/orbit" > run1.log ) > &
The options are:
-i input RINEX file, including path -n name of site (used in sta_info) -d date to process (used to get orbit, clock products) -r measurement data rate for data editor to output into filter -type type of positioning (s - static, k-kinematic) -w_elmin minimum elevation angle cutoff (usually 7-15 degrees) -e quoted string of flags that go to data editor (ninja) here: use minimum arc length of 20 minutes, LC and PC data -dwght PHASE and RANGE (note order!) data weights in km; usually LC=1 cm, PC=1 meter -post_wind Final postfit RANGE and PHASE (note order!) window in km for edit point cycle (5 sigma) -pb_min_slip minimum slip for inserting phase bread in postbreak (km) -pb_min_elev minimum elevation angle at which postbreak criteria are applied -amb_res Number of iterations for ambiguity resolution with wlpb file -trop_z_rw random walk parameter for zenith troposphere, negative means not estimated -tides tide models to apply to station model. Empty list means no tides modeled -orb_clk defines type and location of orbit and clock products for transmitting satellitesAfter the run look into
, which contains the error messages of
You will have several errors getting the command line options right. Lastly you should end up
with an error like this:
ABBZ not found in s2nml's data base
find the correct command line option in the help to change the default sta_info
database to $GEOP572/sta_info
and add it to the command string;
Theoretically, you should have these files in your directory now:
redoubt:/data/GEOP572/gps/lab04/run1> ls abbz2000.15S EDIT_POINT_FAILURE postbreak_postEdit.log.0 rgfile smooth_post_amb.nio wash accume.nio edtpnt2_ambig.nml postfit2.nio run1.err smsol2.nio wash.nml accume_post_amb.nio GPS_antcal_ref Postfit_amb.sum run1.log smsol.nio wlpb ambigon.log logs postfit.nio run_again Sum_postbreak_logs amb_res_default.nml point.txt Postfit.sum shadow tdp_clk_yaw aregres.nio pos prefilter.txt smcov2.nio tdp_final batch.out.0 postbreak.log.0 qmfile smcov.nio tdp_final_pre_amb batch.txt postbreak.nml qregres.nml smooth.nio tpnml
That's a lot of files. They fall into several categories: log files, intermediate results, results. Most important
for you will be the run1.log/.err
files that you created as they give you hints as to
where to trouble shoot. run_again
is a shell script that creates for you to rerun
the same solution, or edit it without having to edit the commandline history (make a copy of the file).
Obviously, there's trouble! EDIT_POINT_FAILUE
(look inside) tells us that the "wash" cycle didn't
converge. We have large phase (LC) post-fit residuals and a large number of outliers:
$> cat Postfit.sum
Lets generate plots of the phase and code residuals. Call the program
$> residuals.plwhich creates a file called
. Now separate the LC (GIPSY code 120) and PC (GIPSY code 110) residuals:
$> awk '{if($4==120) print $0}' residuals.txt | cl h1 5 > run1_lc_res.txt $> awk '{if($4==110) print $0}' residuals.txt | cl h1 5 > run1_pc_res.txtNote that
is a script to manipulate columnar data that comes with GIPSY. What does the awk
command do?
Generate the plots of the residuals
$> gnup -p run1_lc_res.txt -xl 'Hours' -yl 'postfit LC Residuals (cm)'Or use Matlab, or anything else. Typical LC RMS of residuals is ≶ 1cm; for PC it is 20-80 cm.
sta_id, sta_pos, sta_svec
scriptrg <at> nmt <dot> edu | Last modified: September 29 2015 14:35.