New Mexico Tech
Earth and Environmental Science

ERTH 455 / GEOP 555 - Geodetic Methods

1. GPS

This section focuses on GPS and introduces how it works; signals transmitted; how to get positions, velocities, and time; error sources and mitigation strategies; and how to exploit potential error sources as your signal.


Lecture 03: For Additional Linear Algebra review check out Gilbert Strang's MIT OpenCourseWare lectures
Lecture 04: GPS History, Architecture, Coordinate Conversions
Lecture 05: GPS Signal Structure, Pseudorange Measurement Model, Handout: Position Estimation w/ Pseudoranges
Lecture 06: GPS Phase, Position Estimation
Lecture 07: GPS Ambiguity Resolution / Error Treatment
Lecture 08: GPS Error Treatment / Kinematic GPS
Lecture 09: Esoteric GPS (SNR, phase delays)
Lecture 10: Data Sources


Lab 02: Linear Algebra Review & Coordinate Conversions
Lab 03: Pseudorange Position Estimation
Lab 04: static positioning setup
Lab 05: static positioning 2
Lab 06: kinematic positioning - Gorkha Earthquake


Homework 01: GPS Summary

Reference Materials

I rely heavily on these books:

rg <at> nmt <dot> edu | Last modified: October 17 2017 21:15.